RPG Maker 2k3 web build with easyRPG

Hello to the one person who might read this

After going through the steps in this tutorial https://easyrpg.org/player/guide/webplayer/, here's what I did on my end:

  1. Go to the player-js folder (the folder downloaded from the easyrpg tutorial)
  2. Add the following files to a zip file 
  3. When unzipping your file, you should see these 4 files right away, no other folders in between, no nothing.
  4. Go to your itch.io game page (either by creating one or by editing one)
    1. In "Kind of project" select HTML
    2. Upload the zip file created in step 2, and select "This file will be played in the browser"
    3. For the Embed options, I left them as it follows. EasyRPG adds a small touch pad for the game, which is great

    4. Save your changes and that should be it

Next time you open your game page, you should see this:

After clicking "Run game" for the first time the game will load for a bit, and eventually you should see the EasyRPG logo:

And then the main menu of the game:

Some comments that might be helpful

  • I renamed my game folder to default after moving it to the player-js/games/ directory.
  • Renaming the zip after upload shouldn't be an issue.
  • I tested this locally with the python server mentioned in the tutorial, I had installed it some time ago, can't remember why. But it's a good idea to test before uploading
  • The only issues I've noticed so far is that assets take some time to load, which either desynchronizes events where sounds, pictures or animations are used with specific timings or makes some events take some extra time to load

This is more of a personal note to remind myself this works if I decide to use 2k3 again for a gamejam, but that probably won't happen because creating games with it feels very slow, I wish there were shortcuts or a code editor or anything to make it go faster


project of the sea web-version.zip Play in browser
80 days ago
Project of the Sea.zip 17 MB
80 days ago

Get Project of the Sea


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I guess I’m the one person! Thanks for the writeup!

Nice, good to know :)

Let me know if it was useful for your project, some of the steps might need better explanations/wording but I'm not 100% sure